Capturing intraoral images is quick and easy within an Appointment or Case. To enter an Appointment or Case you can create it from the dashboard, the Appointments of Cases tab in the Navigation Bar, or from the appointments tab within a patient record. Once you are in the correct Appointment or Case, click the plus button under images. This will launch your camera (make sure your intraoral camera is plugged in!) and you can start capturing images.
*Make sure you have Button Capture Software installed and set to “TeleDent”
If your intraoral camera does not automatically connect you will need to adjust the settings in your browser.
Click the camera icon on the right side of your browser bar.
This will open your camera settings. Click the manage button.
Select USB Video Device (or desired camera) from the drop down menu.
You might need to refresh the webpage to implement the change in settings.
The first time you launch the capture feature Firefox will ask for permission to access your camera. Make sure that USB Device is selected from the drop down menu and click Allow.
To record a video follow the same steps listed above. After the camera launches, select the video button and begin recording video. If you are using a MouthWatch intraoral camera, you will be able to start and stop your video with the capture button. When you are finished recording the video click save.
Extraoral images and radiographs taken outside of TeleDent can be imported from your device into TeleDent.