Taking Intraoral Images
Plug the MouthWatch Intraoral Camera into the full-sized USB port on the ExamTab. The camera will light up for just a second, but it is ready.
Turn on the Camera Preview
- If the video feed from the intraoral camera is not displaying, switch the “Camera” toggle from “OFF” to “ON”
- You should now see a video feed coming from the intraoral camera
- Put a protective sleeve on the camera, press the capture button on the camera handle and images will be stored. You will see thumbnails displaying to the right of the image preview.
- If you would like to view a full screen video stream, tap “Full Screen” from the toolbar.
- You can still capture images using the capture button, or press the red camera icon on the screen.
- To record a video, tap “Record Video”
- This will begin recording a video of a custom
- set time. (you can configure the length)
Additional Features:
- Tap on the patient’s name above the image preview
- You can change the photo, edit contact information or add dental treatment notes
- When you tap “Change Photo”, it will activate the integrated camera. Tap the screen to take the patient’s photo and crop to select the size you like
- Each time you add to the dental history, it will save a discrete instance of the notes. What does this mean?