A Video Call can be scheduled with an appointment. This can happen between Provider-to-Provider(s) or Provider(s)-to-Patient. Only one patient can be associated with a Video Call Appointment, but multiple Providers can be included as long as they are Users of your TeleDent Organization
Create a Video Call appointment
- Click +Create at the top of the Dashboard
- Click Appointment
Include required information
- Date/Time
- Duration
Provider(s) - use the dropdown box to add each provider or click the X to remove
- Be sure to add yourself to the Video Call as a provider. If you do not put your name in the dropdown box, you will not be included in the appointment
- Choose a patient if this Video Call will include them
- Choose who will Host the video call
Click Create
- A notification will be sent to those attached to the video call
- A notification will be sent 10min prior to the call with a link to the video
- The link can be used to join the call WITHOUT logging into TeleDent
Joining a scheduled Video Call
There are multiple ways to join a video call:
- From the Dashboard, click
From the Appointment page, click the Join Video Call button
- Click the link in your email
- Join via text message invitation
- Click the link on the alert in your TeleDent
A new browser window will automatically open to launch the video call and upon joining you will see a "Participants" List to allow the other party into the call.
A patient that is not yet in the waiting room but is setting up audio/video will appear in the list. Once that patient has clicked the "Join" button they will appear in the waiting room and you can Accept them into the video call when you are ready to start.
You are able to expand and minimize the participants list.