TeleDent video chat offers many of the same features as other commercially available video conferencing services.
Choose who will Host the Video Call- the host will accept or decline participants as they enter the Video Call, Mute participants as needed, Add participants, and give host functionality to another TeleDent User if necessary.
All participants will be able to do the following functions:
View "Participants" List, a patient that is not yet in the waiting room but is setting up audio/video will appear in the list. Once that patient has clicked the "Join" button they will appear int he waiting room and you can Accept them into the video call when you are ready to start.
You are able to expand and minimize the participants list.
Click the “Present” button to share your screen with participants.
Click the “Mute” button to mute yourself.
Click the “Video” button to turn your camera off.
Click the “Camera” button to add a live stream from your intraoral camera or switch cameras.
Click the "Layout" button to adjust the video tiles to your preference (Sidebar, Gallery, or Spotlight view)
Click the “Chat” button to simultaneously text with participants during a video conference.
Click the “Help” button to access support.
Click the "Record" button. All participants will be notified of the recording in progress. Video Calls CAN NOT be recorded from a mobile device at this time. Patient's cannot record the calls. Learn more about recording a Video Call here
If you want to view a particular video chat box in full-screen mode, click the expand button .
You may also pin a video screen, Blur
the background or take a screenshot of the Video Call
Note: While video conferencing is an invaluable teledentistry tool, it can be complicated for users who are not accustomed to using video conferencing apps. Be sure to remind patients that they must be connected to the internet and allow TeleDent access to their device’s camera and microphone.