Create a custom note template within admin tools so that the rest of the organization can use it when writing notes.
1. Click on the Admin gear icon in the top right of the TeleDent Dashboard
2. Click Note Templates in the left column of the User Admin Dashboard
3. Click Create Note Template
4. Name the Note Template
5. Choose where it will be used (may choose more than one option)
- In the Notes section of an Appointment
- In the Notes section of a Case
- In the notes section of the Patient Record
6. Select the Status
- Draft will not allow others to see the note template until it has been published. This will allow you to work on it and then return to complete it.
- Published will allow others to use the Note template
- Archived will allow you to remove the Note template. You may Publish it again at a later time.
- Delete a Note
7. Add Fields
- Name the field
- Give it a description (optional)
- Choose your field type
- Text will allow you to enter written details
- Radio will allow you to select one option in the field
- Checklist will allow you to select multiple options with a click in the box next to the field
- Dropdown (select one value) will allow you to do the same thing as Radio, but with a dropdown option
- Dropdown (select multiple values) will allow you to do the same thing as Checklist, but with a dropdown option
- Tooth, Quadrant, Surface will give you the ability to choose the area of the mouth of treatment/consult
8. Add a Value based on your Field selection
9. Click Create
10. Add more Fields as needed
A note can have multiple fields with different values
To make edits, click on Note template